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Stone - Delicious Hazy IPA

  • Sale
  • ¥800

Hazy IPA | 355ml | ABV 7.2%

現地で大人気のDelicious IPAに新フレーバーが二種類登場! このDelicious HazyはホップにSabro、El Dorado、Azaccaを使いピーチキャンディー、オレンジ、バニラ、パイナップルのような味わい。グルテンフリーのままでデリシャスなHazy IPAを作り上げることに成功しました!
As our Stone Delicious Family expands, our brewers were asked – can you make a Delicious Hazy IPA that’s still crafted to reduce gluten? Their response: Hell yeah. Sabro, El Dorado and Azacca hops provide intense creamsicle, peach and pineapple flavors, and the lingering finish will have you reaching for another satisfying sip. This one is extra juicy, extra hazy and extra Delicious.