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Ogopogo - Bheki

  • Sale
  • ¥1,300

WC IPA | 473ml | ABV 6.5%

Ogopogoの定番IPA。Mosaic、Cryo Mosaic、Idaho 7、Citraでダブルドライホップを施しており、松や柑橘のパンチのあるアロマと、シャープな苦味が特徴的なクラシカルなウエストコーストタイプ。コスパ良し、絶対飲むベキ!

West Coast IPA loaded with Mosaic, Cryo Mosaic, Idaho 7, & Citra.
In Sanskrit Legend, Bheki was originally a beautiful woman. A king asked her to be his wife, so she married him.But only on the condition that she is never shown a drop of water. One day she grew tired and asked for water. The king gave it to her. And she sank out of his sight, just as the sun sinks when it touches the water. She became a frog.