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West Coast Brewing - Dr. Dankness

  • Sale
  • ¥1,500

Hazy DIPA | 500ml | ABV 8.5%

The Doctor is in, and this dude makes it DANK. Idaho 7 you say? Meh, ain’t bad. But here in Mochimune we are diehard Freestyle Nelson fans, and not that grape white wine stuff. Toeing the line between tropical dank and absolute disaster, that perfectly timed LATE LATE Nelson is all we need. Mix in some of the Doctor’s prescribed Mosaic and Mosaic CRYO, and you’d think it’d be dank ENOUGH, right? Nah. Anniversary brews require MOAR DOTS I mean MORE HOPS, so the Doctor burned the midnight oil to calculate the perfect amount of terpenes to add to bring this one home. Tropical. Dank. Explosion. Your sensory keywords for this elixir are mango, lychee, pineapple and papaya. This one also comes preloaded with hints of vanilla, marshmallow, pine, cut grass and cereals. And now that it is finally dank ENOUGH, the Doctor is going to grab some much needed R&R.