BBA Imperial Stout | 375ml | ABV 19.7%
毎年10月の最終火曜日にリリースされる、The Brueryの商品の中で一番人気の樽熟成のImperial Stout。複数の樽で熟成中のBlack Tuesdayを毎年テイスティングした上でテーマ、味わい、ブレンドの比率を決めていきます。今年のブレンドはバーボン樽オンリーとなっており、クリームブリュレ、イチジク、ミルクチョコレート、バニラのような味わいが感じられる逸品。ビンテージごとに異なる一期一会の味わいを是非体感ください。
THE BEER: Black Tuesday is more than just an incredibly delicious, complex, extravagant barrel-aged imperial stout. It's innovation and passion in a bottle; it's expertise and years of experience in liquid form; it's the very foundation of who we are at The Bruery – never satisfied with "good enough" and always on the hunt for something more.
ABOUT THE BEER: Elegant, innovative, complex: Black Tuesday provides a uniquely elevated beer-drinking experience unlike any other. Surprisingly smooth at 19.7% ABV, this is a beer you won’t soon forget.
TASTING NOTES: Rich, complex flavor from time spent aging in bourbon barrels mingles effortlessly with distinct notes of crème brûlée, poached figs, and milk chocolate. Pair with pepper crusted steak, garlic roasted potatoes, chocolate truffles.